In the name of Good TEAM EXTREME performs in “AQUARIA” The modern fairy tale “AQUARIA”, which was performed in the event resort SCALARIA, takes place in a mysterious underwater world with bizarre creatures of the sea. Two artists of TEAM EXTREME hold their ground in the fight against evil and Continue Reading
TEAM EXTREME and AEROART soar above Dubai…
At the opening celebrations of the 4th Dubai International Parachuting Championships DIPC, produced by HQ Creative, Team Extreme used power bungees in an awesome display of aerial prowess. The 4 artistes from TEAM EXTREME gave their unique performance beneath an enormous double arch with the backdrop of a huge video screen Continue Reading
To the season start this year the ZDF Fersehgarten presented the new show “Vertical Orchestra” as a world premiere.
A virtuosic performance with violin, saxophone and drummers inspired the 5000 fans and more than 2 mio. TV attendances. Exciting, awsome and emotionally with 30 kilometes per hour in 40 meters height. At the final of the season Team Extreme presented a new variation of the AEROART show in dizzying Continue Reading